Friday, March 20, 2020

empty streets

China has a lot of empty streets now. Hey, the world that we see is quite scary. It is a strange era we are in.

Empty Street

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

McDonald's sales

McDonald's sales have plunged due to corona virus.  Hey, it does seem worrisome. People are staying in. Basically, it is safer that way. Also, the food they eat often comes from cans. Well, that does seem a bit gross.

Monday, March 16, 2020

red carpet

I have often heard of rolling out the red carpet, but what exactly does that expression... like even mean? Hey, we wanna know more on the world that is all around us. Certainly, this saying is common. That said, an actual red carpet is rare.

Red Carpet

Saturday, March 14, 2020

tiny electric cars

Maybe, we really need some... tiny electric cars. OK, so please do not make em very expensive. Hey, there are many... that are super max. However, we sadly cannot afford em as we do not have much money.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

war on science

There is a war on science. Facts are being replaced by opinions. Often, if the truth is not politically correct, the data is thrown away. People are being told that computers are full of hate and racism. Strange, the world we are in.

Monday, March 9, 2020

dramatic drop

Folks, there has been a dramatic drop in oil prices. It is $28 a barrel now. Hey, we did not see this one coming. Definitely, we may see fewer people using gas. After all, they are postponing going on a family vacation due to the virus. Expect problems in our economy. It could be that we are about to enter a massive recession.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

toad stool

I do not care for a toad stool, but for a much room, we can leave some room. Hey, that is a fun pun. Well, for me any way.

Enoki take

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Please do not go on cruises. That is due to our corona virus. Do try to play it safe until this major crisis is over. Yo, this world is a scary one. Frankly, I use to like going on cruises... that was many years ago.

Cruise Ships

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Sadly, we are low in income. Oh wow, tax time is near. Things are not so nice. Well, that is certainly what we fear.

Before the Storm

Sunday, March 1, 2020

lonely avenues

There are so many lonely avenues. Ah yes, most people live inside of an impressive city that is massive. However, there are few living in agrarian areas. Maybe, for me, there is some peace. Yo, it really does feel so serene.

LC Trafictrails